We Love You, #Needham



(Originally posted by Cara Soulia on 3/18/2020)

It feels like the world has stopped, doesn’t it?

As a photographer, I typically spend hours every week capturing images of families in times of joy: babies on the way, newborns, siblings, grandparents and more. Those moments of joy are still happening in homes right now. I know it. But I can’t be there to capture them.

My friend Kristen Collins came up with an idea to photograph our neighbors and Needham residents from their front steps. We thought: People would love some fresh air and maybe they’d donate to a local non-profit to join the fun. Let’s try it!

On March 18, I posted the first image of a Needham family. Response was so amazing. Over 100 families connected in less than 24 hours. Thankfully (!) my friends Topher Cox and Caitrin Dunphy came on board. Within a week we photographed over 400 families. Kate King joined us for our final fundraising efforts.

We aim to bring people together by taking five-minute “Front Steps Portraits” of Needham residents.  Each day we took a few hours to scurry around town and snap super fast images of Needham families on their front steps. In exchange for the professional image, we asked our neighbors to donate to the Needham Community Council. We ultimately topped 800 families, raising over $45,000.

Photographers across the country - and even the globe - have been inspired to start their own The Front Steps Project™ in their communities. We are so amazed by their energy and enthusiasm! As of July 1, more than 500 photographers have voluntarily replicated #TheFrontStepsProject in their communities, raising over $3,250,000 for local food pantries, hospitals, animal shelters and more. Thank you to every photographer who replicated our mission to spread smiles and help others during this unprecedented time. We truly appreciate those who credited us for the idea and inspiration.



Families: Here’s How it Works

You will know when we are coming. You can step outside, where a photographer (your Needham neighbor!) will be standing near your driveway or street, at least 10 feet away. He/she will take a couple quick shots and leave. We physically interact with no one, and touch nothing, during these sessions. 

We *do* smile and laugh with you, however, and don’t we all need a little bit of that right now?

After your quick session, we will email you the digital file of your portrait.  In exchange, we ask you to make a good faith donation to Needham Community Council through this GoFundMe Campaign

We will be posting these images on Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag #thefrontstepsproject. 

Dress Code

This is not a typical get-dressed-up-and-pose-for-the-photographer session. Want to stand outside in your pajamas and slippers? Sounds good to us. Kids in mismatched clothes but you’re thrilled they got dressed? Fantastic. Wearing your bike gear because you’re headed off to ride a trail in the nice weather? Love it!  

Be you.